Car Show

The HCHS ice cream social had been taking place for many years before the cars were added to the event. The first year it was just an idea, a few phone calls were made and 10 cars appeared on the lawn of the Historical House on Washington Street. That idea has expanded to offer a silent auction, drawing for donated items and entertainment.

This year, however, brought a challenge with COVID and the restrictions placed on gatherings and events.  The annual ice cream social and car show is a major fundraiser for the society so thinking outside the box the event was changed from a car parking to a car cruise.  Rob John, the coordinator for the event, drove many country roads to plan a scenic route. 

The day started with sunshine and perfect weather for registration and lineup of 24 cars at the old high school in Eldora. The cruisers were given goodie bags with donations of car care products and items from local businesses, a raffle ticket for prizes at the end of the cruise, an opportunity to enter a 50/50 drawing and a medallion.

The cruise started with a drive by the Historical House for pulled pork sandwich or walking taco meal. The cruise made a short stop to eat lunch and enjoy homemade ice cream before cruising by Estabrook Lodge, Valley View and Care Initiatives in Eldora. The cruise continued to Hubbard to pass by the Hubbard Care Center and on to Radcliffe. In Radcliffe the cruise picked up S27 to Alden then followed historic 20 to Iowa Falls past the 5 elder care centers there. The final destination was the Fareway parking lot in Iowa Falls for the winners of the raffle and 50/50 drawing to be announced.

Conversations among cruisers at their final destination were exciting.  The route was enjoyable and driving by the elder care homes was a highlight for the cruisers that honked and waved and the residents both inside and outside that waved enthusiastically.

Don't know what next year will bring but with the help of many volunteers and members of the the HCHS one thing is certain and that is that the ice cream social and car show/cruise will continue to be a positive and rewarding event. "


Hardin County Historical Society Brunch